Psstttt! Come over here. I am not sure what is going on around here, but I think there is an invasion of some sort. There has been almost overnight the appearance of several markings around the area. It doesn’t just seemed confined to my living area either, it seems to have spread almost like a virus into every nook and cranny of this island on which we live.
It’s a very odd marking, a rectangular white marking, with a red cross on it. Very strange and its infestation has hit just about everything. I’ve seen houses with very large markings appear on them, cars with these markings sticking out of their windows, round structures which bounce also bearing the same markings, as well as various items like key rings, cups, clothes, even faces have been infected.
I did some research and it seems to be a virus called ‘The World Cup’. I’ve never heard of this before but from what little research there is out there it seems that each area of the world has also been infected with a strain of the virus, the only apparent difference is in the markings that have appeared in numerous quantities, which seem to vary dependent on the world location.
Apparently, it’s getting stronger by the day and at some point it will culminate is mass hysteria with people in their masses all crowding into places called ‘football stadiums' where they will all shout and rant at these people who wear the full markings of the virus in a large field and run around taking out what I can only assume is the vaccine and kick this around this meeting place whilst the masses shout and cheer presumably when the beating of the ball is severe enough to release the vaccine into the crowd. I’m also told it brings about strange symptoms such as mass singing, drinking large amounts of alcoholic ritual fluid, and consuming food which would otherwise be condemned in order to drive out the ‘demons’.
The good news is, it’s a short lived virus, I think by the end of a four week period the markings will fade and we will once again return to normality. I have made sure there are secure locks on all my doors and windows and will do my best to avoid the infected ones.......
So, you all know about the spoon theory. Those of us with chronic fatigue illnesses and fibromyalgia which also has a huge fatigue element to it, will know only too well how important it is to conserve and use wisely the spoons we have been given.
Well, I think this last week has seen me use not just my normal amount of spoons, but I borrowed from the reserve tank and am now running on empty.
My trip last week took more out of me than I realised. I am only glad I’m not a full time traveller like some of my colleagues are, or I would surely be off with severe exhaustion by now. I enjoyed the opportunity to meet some very nice people, and was glad I went despite missing my family like mad, but at the same time, I also felt that I was pushing myself as well.
I am just so tired. My eye which would normally have recovered in a day or two is still playing up almost a week later. My body is just fighting the tiredness yet sleep is not coming to me easily. I feel like I’ve been given a lead lined body which desperately needs sleep, but my brain won’t allow it. Doesn’t help I’m hormonal from the usual woman thing too (you know what I mean ladies), and that drains me anyway, but goodness, I have felt tiredness before, but this is something else. The pains have been worse the last couple of days, tension headaches a kimber, and knots in my shoulder like you would not believe (some of you probably would actually), and funny after Glyn mentioned Plantar Fasciitis, that my heel particularly on my right foot has been playing up too, since when you have fog brain you forget just how many ailments you actually have. I could be like some really important board of directors. My business card would read:
Fibromyalgia Girl, FMS, IBS, CTS, PF, MPS, RLS
Fibromite extrondinaire......
Honestly, you seriously forget how many things you are dealing with here, it’s a good job really they don’t all tend to hit you in one go or you might go insane....
Well, here it to another week in the life of..........