Been a while so I thought I should update y’all.
Weekend was pretty nice. Had a nice trip into town Saturday to get a few bits (remind me if I ever think of it again never to take a 4 year old shopping for something that is a secret not to do it again– never works!!).
Had a nice fry up (oops!), and enjoyed a fairly chilled out day. Well, apart from that little thing called the ‘WORLD CUP’ and oh yes, England were playing, as well as 5 trillion bloomin zuzuvela trumpeters from the never regions of space. I sat there during the second world cup match thinking, this sound ain’t too good is it. Then I thought a bee’s nest had got stuck in the sound unit or something. Then I realised what the annoying drone was.
My life what is wrong with people. They won’t ban them, but they completely spoil the atmosphere for me. I want to hear cheering, chanting, boo’s, yells of despair, not ‘hhhooooooooaaaarrrrrrrr’ for 90 minutes of sheer agony. Stupid idea, stupid idea, stupid idea. There, nuff said me thinks......
Anyway, we were supposed to expecting rain, but it didn’t come till the afternoon so we went off into the city centre and visited the museum, took in a site of two, had lunch by the fountain and had a fairly good day out apart from the boy whose legs only work when he wants them to, not when it is required he transport his own body between the points of A & B. If he spent as effort into walking as he did moaning, he’d cover a fair old distance. He walked slower than me, and I had a walking stick!!
Early start Monday for a site visit which was productive, but it was a two hour journey there and a two hour journey back. Not the most monumental effort I realise, but it takes a bit out of me just sitting still. I have been in a large amount of pain the last week. It’s been a real change from the relief I had been experiencing lately. I think actually it is partly my own fault too. I had been up until now religiously taking my natural remedies and that has lapsed. Now, I don’t KNOW it is because of that, but I suspect it’s not helped. I had been feeling fairly well lately, usual aches and pains, but nothing to write home about, or write to anyone else about for that matter, but now I’m going slightly up the wall with it.
Course, I don’t show this to people. I’ve realised that sympathy and understanding wear thin, no-one can really get their head around how someone can be in pain 24 hours a day, but I am , and I’m sorry I am too. Most people won’t even notice, those close to me of course will. I rarely do it, but I asked Mick to give me a shoulder rub last night. I was on the verge of not coping with the pain and thinking of taking something, but resisted. The rub helped heaps (thanks babe), but today it’s all back again. Knots of tension, arms just aching like I have weights on them, legs moaning, hips groaning, headache, neck I want to detach from my body. Yuck!!
But feeling sorry for yourself never really helps, we all have off days, I’m no different, but I do try and smile most of the time. You’d never know I was in pain to look at me. Only those who spend time with me realise, especially evenings when I can’t sit still, pain makes me tired but sleep doesn’t come, I toss and turn all night too. Oh for one day off eh?
Never mind, what I can say is that it’s going to be a special week this week. And I can’t wait to get to the end of it......