Well, not quite, but I have been off for a while from blog land. I have had a few technical hitches to say the least, but I've also been really busy too.
We had international Fibromyalgia awareness day on WEdnesday 12th May. I went down to the city centre with the support group I'm a member of and we had a stand which was great, and loads of ducks, leafelets and ribbons. It was a good day and surprised us. We had a lot of people come over to us that either had fibromyalgia or knew someone who did. We gave out a lot of ribbons and a good amount of leaflets too, so I hope we helped a few people not only understand what fibromyalgia is, but those who already have it understand that there is support and information out there too.
But I paid the price for standing all day. I figured the second I sat down I would not get back up, so I stood for nearly six hours. I was VERY tired when I got back and I've had a really funny fatigue every since and every muscle in my body feels very heavy and solid. I have a bone growth on my right hand on the index finger, which I need to get checked out. It makes straightening my finger and hand quite painful and I believe that it could be arthritic given it is at the joint and very painful, especially when it's cold. I have this in my wrist too, and I know I have a ganglion cyst, but I also have other issues in my wrist, so it's worth a visit to rule it out or in or find it's something completely different.
In this case, I firmly believe it's not the 'fibro' causing it, so better safe than sorry eh?
The other news is that my hard working husband has been toiling a long time working on a new website. The idea is simple. You donate to a charity, and you get a craft listing on his site. Mick has worked VERY hard to get it all going, and he will no profit in anyway, shape or form from it. It all gets routed through just giving so people can donate through there, and then if they are in the crafting world, they get a listing onj his craft directory.
It's hard when you are not there to see just how much effort someone puts into something, so on a personal note, I just wanted to tell him here, I am very proud of all the effort, hard work, dedication and love he puts into not only each and every item he makes for people, but his new site and anything else he puts his mind too. He will work long into an evening making sure he gets things right, and I know, I've been there every there every step of the way. So well done babes, I love you loads and you are a talent to celebrate.
Anyway, I'd best sign off, I am aching just typing this so am off for a break.