Fibromyalgia is so unpredictable. I just can't work it out at all.
I've spent I don't know how many years in fitful nights of sleep, getting very little actual sleep, to now not wanting to wake up. It is bizarre. It is like I can go to bed, and OK, I will wake up several times to move about because I hurt, but come morning, I could quite happily stay in bed and given enough time, would go back to sleep again, and that never normally happens. I think my body is going through some kind of change, but not sure why or what or if it's a good thing or not.
My knee has been heaps better in this warmer weather. I manage to walk quite normally around work at least, and could probably manage a few minutes like it out and about if I'm honest, but I do find that my walking stick give my leg that reinforcement it needs, and it sounds daft, but it's the difference between pain and weakness to less pain and more confidence and I can handle that.
The only downside is that my right hand is getting worse with the carpel tunnel. I had severe carpel tunnel in my left which was operated on and drastically improved, but my right is now becoming more affected. The numbness is only very mild, more desensitized than numb compared to my left hand. It does go numb sometimes, but not as much as my left did. But the pain in it has been awful. So achy and I can't stretch my fingers out straight without it killing me. My wrist is so sore too. I have my wrist support which I've worn the last few days which has helped (forgot it to day though and it's acting up already), but will have to monitor that.
Other than that and slight tummy issues, things have not been too bad really, usual pains with hips, back and neck, but I can cope with them at the moment, so I feel lucky to be having a milder time of it compared to some.
And I am not complaining about the heat either. Our living room gets no sun at all, apart from maybe an hour in the very late afternoon and if the sun is reflecting off the window of the house opposite which in turn gives a bit off to us, but usually nothing and it's COLD!! Not just cool here, but COLD!!
It's not good sitting of an evening and having that kind of cold when the difference in the other room is amazing. I refuse to give in to the heating at this time of year when most of us are just coming out of those nasty winter bills, so we just live with it. We have thought about moving into the other room and swapping, we shall see how long we last!
Fibromyalgia does not like the cold! Roll on summer please.....