I got home last night to a Nuclear meltdown in the house.
Usually I pull onto the driveway, get out, lock the car, and go inside. Then I usually find hubby in the living room being pulverised by two children, and him holding up the white flag to be saved.
Last night though, things were not the same at all!
I pulled into the drive way and then locked the car. I walked into the house and couldn't see Mick in the living room as normal, but could hear my daughter giving our son a lecture on something and him being rather upset about it and I assumed hubby was in the kitchen doing something and the kids had fallen out again (as brothers and sisters do).
However only moments before I had returned home, Mick had the laptop set up to down some downloading which was taking time to do, and had given the young un strict instructions NOT to touch daddy's computer as it was doing something important.
So picture the scene. Man tells boy 'don't touch' and boy thinks 'umm' and then you can picture the slow motion scene as the boy begins to pick up pace heading straight for the said computer, whilst sister and dad's face begin to crumble in shock as they can see what is about to happen and they are just too late to do anything about it.
Yup, you guessed it, the little devil ran straight over to the laptop and shut it, cutting off the download and hours of work put in by hubby who has now probably turned an interesting shade of crimson and is about to explode.
So I walk in post meltdown as Mick had taken refuge in the dining room and is trying to rescue his work, and big sister is giving her little brother a lecture on laptop etiquette.
So it was all fun and games when I arrived. So kettle went on, I went to subdue hubby and give him a sympathy hug, children evacuated to the upstairs and I decided there was only one cure for it all. Fish and chips.
I know, and only moments before in my last blog entry I was saying about treating my body like a temple and being good and all that jazz. I must have forgotten the part where I said 'Things will start Monday' so I have a weekend to have a final blow out before I go into detox, weight loss mode.
So we had fish and chips. Good fish too, the place I got to cooks it fresh to order so it's really yummy, and the chips were not bad either. I was stuffed afterwards for sure, just enough for us and the kids, and hubby finally got his stuff working, so all was well in the world.
This morning was great. Everyone seemed happy, this was a good thing! I am hoping to lasts!
Here is to Friday!