I'm having one of those days today. I should not have cursed myself in my last blog entry by saying things were getting easier.
Today has just bitten me right back in the backside, big time.
I went to bed as normal last night, having settled down the dude who appeared to have had a nightmare of some kind. We decided that we really should go to bed, so up we went and I was out in no time actually, this sleeping lark is such a novelty to me, I am not sure what to think of it.
Anyway, I slept OK until I was woken this morning by the most excruciating pains I've had in, well, since giving birth if that makes any sense.
It was a real spasm pain in my tummy, the kind you get when you have a really poorly tummy and you get the runs, only I didn't have anything really runny (sorry if you are eating right now!), it was not like that at all. But when you do have a iffy tummy, you tend to feel better once you have relieved yourself right?
Mine felt like a contraction, tight spasm kind, which then felt a little better but then an after pain like a really bad cramp. It eased off, then started again.
I was OK for ten minutes, then it came on again, really strong, and back I went.
I managed to get to work before I needed to go again and this has carried on all day. I wouldn't mind but actually it's been like this for nearly a week, but the pain hasn't been as bad as today.
A few people said it's more than likely IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), which I am almost sure it is too given that I have all the symptoms of it, and I've had this kind of trouble for years, but I think since my body is going on a real downer at the moment, it's compounded the symptoms and I'm feeling this awful pain.
Anyway, because that woke me up quickly this morning, it made me open my eye quickly. This is exactly what I was talking about in my last blog entry, only now it's actually happened, so instead of just looking tired, my right eye is completely red and swollen, and it keeps watering which in turn hurts, which in turn makes my nose run so I either look completely shattered, beaten up or like I've been crying.
Not good!! So I drove in with sunglasses squinting at my hypersensitivity to the sun which just happened to be out on the first sunny day in eons and I have to hurt my eye!
Some days you just think you should have stayed in bed! Still, with any luck my eye will ease off (haha!), my stomach will wear itself out and my neck will stop feeling like I've been kicked swiftly by Bruce Lee in a bad mood (was he ever in a good mood?).
Bluuurrggghhhh! Nuff said!