Firstly, I just wanted to say thank you for the comments on my last entry. It was appreciated to have some suggestions of what my stomach issues could be. I was interested to hear about the kidney stone thing, I didn't know that, so thank you Moonbeam!
I also had someone mention to me about Ibuprofen causing stomach issues. I haven't taken painkillers of any kind for weeks since I've started on the new herbal remedies as having stopped them, I realised they didn't even touch the pain anyway, but when I first had my car accident I was popping them like sweets. These were prescribed by the doctor, who then subsequently told me off a few weeks later for taking them because they are known to damage the stomach! Hummmm!
I believe though this was because the immediate reaction of doctors when they see someone who is reporting a whiplash injury is to assume they are trying to get compensation, which I wasn't. And when I went back a few weeks later, still unable to urn my head, having chronic headaches and pain, he was surprised, and only then suggested x-rays and perhaps some physiotherapy.
So the point I am getting at, is that there could also be some existing damage to my stomach from that, and it could be IBS and it could be even the kidney stone thing. What I do know is that nothing has really changed, so the sudden onset of this being a whole heap worse than my usual tummy rumbles is something I need to keep an eye on things.
It's still going on now. It seems to be a pattern though, wake up and I NEED to go. Ten minutes later (ish), I NEED to go again, and then usually once more either at home or as I get to work.
It then eases slowly over the day, regardless of what I eat or drink, the outcome is the same. Weird, and currently is showing no signs of letting up either. Darn thing!
Weekend was good though, did quite a trek at a local country park which involved some walking and a bit of hill walking (although no big ones). I managed to get around OK, my knee was killing and I was glad I had my stick or I would not have been able to manage but it was good to get out and I felt better for the exercise.
My fingers are doing the joint pain thing again, and my arms were aching again last night, not having helped by shutting my own thumb in the door, stupid woman that I am, but at least it's not the really horrible pain I have been used to, so that is good.
Monday has come around far too quickly though, although I'm sure my poor husband will be relieved to have some time out now the kids are back at school. Love em all you like, it's not to have a break, and he has more than earned his this Easter holidays.
Here is to Monday.....