I've been doing a lot of that lately. Once you start, it's hard to stop isn't it? Then you pass on the yawn, and before you know it, it's yawnsville.
Well, it's been a tiring few days. The young one has been off colour, with a temperature and the inevitable cold and cough that follows. He is not great with colds, and tends to get quite a few over the winter. That of course has a knock on effect on his sleep, and therefore mum and dad take up 24 hour duty. Not that you don't do that anyway being a parent, it's just you tend to have more time to yourself when they are well.
So our attempt at a country park on Saturday was feeble and flawed too given that the promised sun did not appear and it was a lot colder than forecast too. That, and a reluctant little boy meant the trip was cut shorted since we were all cold and wondering why we were there!
Mothering Sunday was OK, but since there was a poorly boy in the house and no sleep was being had we had a very chilled day, Hubby did make me a lovely roast lamb dinner which was gorgeous and satisfied my lamb fix as we haven't had a roast dinner for ages. Mostly because we are usually out and about but mostly because we had just got out of the habit too.
It was nice to have though and certainly meant we didn't need tea later on!
I had forgotten to get any painkillers which was a bit of a pain, but I decided that as they made very little difference I was better off not taking any. This is part is a good thing, as I know now that the level of pain I am in was the same as before, only with a slightly lighter headache, so I know they made no difference.
However, it also means I am still in a high level of pain, so am hoping my big list of shopping at the health shop will start to show some benefits after a while. With all things like this, it takes time so patience will become my middle name, but I do think it's a good thing to try and we shall see what results we get!
I had some great tips of things to try for pain, sleep and overall health from what hubby found out and some of his friends from the crafting world, so hopefully there will be some better days for me, which would be good, since my body is not a happy entity right now!!