The last week or so I've had a sort of lighter feeling about me. I felt a bit less tired, that bit less stiff when I woke up, less achy and generally the pain was even less too.
I thought, 'OK, maybe I am coming out of this flare up'. I mean, 8 months in and it is about time for some rest bite really, so I was getting even a bit optimistic things were easing up. We have better weather, so less damp and cold, and longer light days, and we all love the warmer months don't we?
I even stopped taking all my normal painkillers. The main reason for this really was to see if not taking anything made any difference at all to my pain levels. And you know what? Nothing changed at all, which means me taking all of those pain killers did nothing for my pain at all, other than take the edge off my headache. So I figured why take something that is ineffectual in the first place?
That, and that fact that Mick had been down to the health shop to investigate the natural alternatives for fibro, and had come back with a list of stuff that had been recommended. There has also been some wonderful advice from some of his crafting fraternity as well, so I had a long list to work on.
So this weekend, armed and dangerous with money and a bag, I hobbled into the health shop and brought some stuff! I rattled coming out, but it is a good start!
So I have now got Devil's claw, (half price!), 100 tablets, taking 1 twice a day. I then have dandelion root, taking 1 twice a day and Valerian root, 1 at bedtime, and a multi vitamin pill (can't hurt right!). I've stocked up on oranges for the vitamin C, and will get some celery seeds next visit.
So we shall see how that little lot works out.
However, the last couple of days have been rough. Not sure why, or what has changed, but I just ache, ALL over. Last night I was watching TV, and my hands, every single joint in my fingers, my knees, my legs, even my backside was having aches and my lower back was on fire, and my neck was horrible. I kept thinking, no you can't just give me an easier week then throw this at me, not fair!
So no idea what is going on, but really feel that I have got worse again the last couple of days. The pain in my fingers and knees has got worse. I haven't used my stick as much either since I have been trying not to get so reliant on it, and not using it round the office if I can avoid it. It hurts like anything, and I still need it for long journey's but the pain is just horrible.
So I hope these natural remedies like me and decide to stay and do some good, and I shall certainly look into seeing the doctor again to see if I can get some x-rays done because I would be surprised if there wasn't arthritis in my neck and maybe knees and hands since it runs in the family too.
So am hoping it eases off later, am not in the mood for any more of it, I want a break now!