That is the kind of noise I would like to make but my throat won't let me.
I've cursed myself, that is what I have done. I was getting all big and clever thinking I had cracked this flare up, and then the pains kick back in, and on top of it, I thought I was just getting a regular cold since the young un had had one recently.
The last few I've had have started off with a sore throat for a couple of days which have then turned into the snotty, runny nosed thing where you blow you nose solid for 3 days until it is red raw, then it goes from a productive runny nose to the one where you can't breathe. You know the one, it gets 'stuck' and no matter how hard you blow it, and how much seemingly ventures out of your nostril's, you are still as bunged up as you started, only now your nose is really sore and you exhausted from all the nose blowing. Like blowing up a load of balloons then feeling all giddy because you have blown out more than you have sucked in (if you see what I mean).
Anyway, this is what I presumed would be my usual cold this time. Sore throat kicked in pretty sharpish though, matter of a few hours actually, and I thought nothing of it. The not being able to swallow properly wasn't entirely unexpected as this was the case last few colds for a day or so. But when I then spent the whole night in this state, I was a little bit worried. That and the hot feeling but shivering too.
So when I got up this morning, I had a look and my left tonsil (from my perspective) is huge. You know you have the dangly bit in your throat, the bit you see on all the cartoons when someone is shouting or crying? Well, you have that, then your tonsils either side, but there is a gap each side (so you can breathe right!). Well, my left side has no gap. The tonsil is so swollen it has filled the gap. It feels like I have something stuck in my throat that hasn't gone down properly, and I'm not impressed!
I feel hot and feverish as well. Trouble is I have such a full on week, it is the worst possible time for me to get sick. And I'm annoyed that having felt better the last week or so with easing pains etc, I've now gone full pelt the other way. Tonsillitis it is, I have lots of white spots on the left tonsil, so I know the signs. Been there and done that, and it is your body telling you it's being overwhelmed.
A sign of stress, too much work, not sure. Either way, I'm not happy about it that is for sure. Hopefully it will ease up though. I'm ready for some rest bite, not another fight in the ring. Round 2, Angela meets the Tonsils, with the Fibromonster lurking behind ready to bash me with the chair in the cage.
Roll on Friday!