Well, last night hubs and I were fit to drop. Mick made the most delicious homemade burgers with chips, very naughty, but very tasty too. I was feeling zonked, but I do my best when feeling like this not to go to bed too early as I want to be able to enjoy the small amount of time we get together since the kids and work tend to take your days up don't they?
I put the nipper to bed but I was just aching. Not an acute pain as such, just a real ache all over, and my hips felt hot and achy again like they did the night before, and my hands have been painful recently, like all the joints are crumbling and they feel really sore. Guess it is all part and parcel. Sooner I get some proper treatment, the better.
Anyway, we didn't last long the pair of us, so we were in bed just after 9.30, which was good, we needed it. I woke up a lot, my neck and back and knees were aching. I might try using a knee pillow or something, not sure if it will help, but I can but try.
Felt OK this morning though, a bit stiff, sore, but OK.
Then I had to do some training. Only when you teach over a telephone line and live meeting environment, you tend to get talking, or people forgetting to mute their phones, and this can cause chaos when you are trying to teach lots of different people something. Got quite interesting at one point for sure!
Then to top that off, an article has been put into the Guardian by a doctor who posted under a false name, literally belittling and dismissing anyone with Whiplash and Fibromyalgia. Caused quite a stir I can tell you.
The article is HERE. Read it and weep, and more importantly, complain about this so called doctor, he obviously has never had to endure the pain and suffering people with Chronic whiplash and Fibro have to go through. If he did, he would never say those words.
Complain, send your response to: reader@guardian.co.uk. Let your voice be heard!