Today is not the best day. Not sure why I feel a bit sad today. Shouldn't really since it's my mum's birthday, it's Friday, the sun is shining, and all seems to be well, but I just feel kind of down.
I was handing out some post today at work, tried walking the length of the office with the post and without my stick. I can't believe how quickly the pain set in on my knee. It is completely ridiculous. It was to the point of feeling sick by the time I got back to my desk.
I really hate that my body has chosen this route in life. I really hope it's just the winter period, a bad flare up, stess of being busy. Whatever it is, I hope it eases off soon.
I lay awake a lot of last night. I slept a bit, had a dream even, but then just lay awake. My head was buzzing like one of those games you play when you have to get the metal pole with a loop on the end round the metal maze without touching the sides, only mine was touching it all the way round sending off buzz's all over my head. Very odd, and my body was just having one big moan. Like all my arms, legs, head, neck etc all had a quiet word with each other and decided to all shout a the same time 'oi, it hurts!!'.
Only there is me saying 'I know, what do you want me to do!!'.
Still, it is Friday and it is sunny. I am hoping it will stay like this over the weekend so we can get out to a park and enjoy some fresh air! That would be fab. I think that hasn't helped. I've been in all day every day, really busy, not got out much. If I sit still for too long it hurts, if I move too much it hurts, so it's a no win at the moment, but I'll keep battling on. It has to get better surely!