I am not a great fan of taking drugs, never have been. OK, you could argue drinking tea is taking a drug, or chocolate is a drug, and of course there are natural drugs, ones that we would have used every day way back when and many people still do now, but I mean taking a lot of chemical drugs.
However, I know also it is an integral part of some people's lives to have to take them, some of them to keep them alive.
I do my best though when I can, not to have to take anything for the pain. However, I am beginning to learn that Fibromyalgia does not take not for an answer sometimes.
Let's take Saturday. Was a normal day all in. My usual routine is to get the shopping out of the way early as to avoid mad people with trolley rage buying half the supermarket for no other reason than sheer greed, and parking in the parent and child spaces to use the cashpoint with no children and because the general lack of manners people seem to have and the lack of patience I have for such lack of manners. I could go on, but I won't!
Anyway, shopping done, I go home unpack, and then we usually do something with our day. I hadn't taken anything all morning. I generally cope till about 10 am at work, then have to give in, but I told myself 'No, you can do this, just live with it' and we went to town, had a bite to eat, came home, Mick did the football and me and the nipper watched a movie and made a camp of cushions for our robot wars.
Anyway, come nippers bed time I take him up to bed and my whole body feels like it is on fire. It is the only way I can describe it. I feel this intense heat all over my body, but really hot and sore in my hips, neck, and knees. It feels like everything is burning up and I couldn't get downstairs and onto the drugs quick enough. The pain relief I take it lacking to say the least, I don't want to take stronger ones but I think even in the short term it is something I am going to have look at, even if I just have them when I really need them. This pain was simply unbearable.
Normally I take 2 Ibuprogfen, 2 Paracetemol, and either a Diclofenac, or swap out the para's for some co-codemol, but none of these are really known to help fibromites, they take the edge off my headaches, and a slight distraction from the pain, and do mean the difference if I take them once in the morning, then once after tea at home, and help me not be so acute with the pain, but I hate that I feel so bad and yet am having to take so many drugs.
I am hoping that this will be a temporary thing as I try different treatments, helped hopefully by a nice doctor who will allow me to try some different things and work with me rather than just tell me to live with it, as living with it, I already have no choice in, but managing it better, well, there are heaps of choices and it would be nice to get this under control.
Time will tell.......