Well, look at this blog! Don't you think it is looking dapper?
This ladies and gents, is because the genius known as Sally decided to wave her magic wand, loan me some fairy dust and has managed to transform my blog into a rather useful and informative thing! That, and she also linked to my dear husband's site too, so feel free to take a seat, enjoy the shows and take in the new colourful atmosphere!!
Seriously though, Sally has done a great job on this, I can't thank her enough for all the help, and I hope that with all our blogs, we are able to raise awareness for all these illnesses and get someone to take notice.
On a personal note, I would gladly welcome so better treatments and recognition. After spending the last few days in agony, and not being happy at all, I would gladly welcome a day off from my pain. There is nothing more demoralising, and draining than spending a whole day in pain. No-one should have to suffer that.