
Friday, 26 February 2010

Fixing Angela - The Silly Version

After a discussion with hubs about what I could do to help improve my overall wellbeing and pain etc, we decided that the following would be put up for consideration:

  • Send me to space to the moon for some time out.
  • Buy enough vibrating, wobbling, cogitating gadgets to turn our home into the NASA space station.
  • Fill me with helium and see how far I get.
  • Fill me with pills, add coke, apply cork, shake vigorously and then remove cork - BANG!
  • Apply numerous applications of different creams and oils to see which one melts me first.
  • Strap me to the back of a bucking bronco and watch the fun begin.
  • Put me on 'The Big One' in Blackpool and send me round until all my parts have been rearranged into a bizare kind of Picasso painting.
Well, actually, we didn't say any of those things, but it was fun thinking of them now!