So I went back to the doctors today. I came out feeling a bit, well, deflated really.
I said I wasn't happy taking the Ami's they made me feel horrible, and asked about if there was anything else I could take. He said because of the nature of Fibro there are no set rules to what works, but he didn't want to recommend tramadol as it was not the best thing. He said taking the combination of things I do now was the best thing to do.
So I asked about alternatives because I wanted to try something that didn't require drugs that might help. He said that physio helps some but it's not great, chiropractors are no good for fibro (I had this and it didn't help me), and I should look at acupuncture as it's a well supported treatment.
Well, not that I am not going to look into it, but I kind of felt like it was a case of 'you have this thing, there is no cure, so you just have to live with it' vibe. I know the intention was not that, but at the same time, I thought, well, there must be SOMETHING I can try.
He said it's not an easy illness to deal with, and that it's one of those things. I know, I had to pick one of the most awkward things to have didn't I? Couldn't have picked something simple which could be treated and then made gone.
But you just can't keep a good woman down (well, you could, if you tied me down and then gagged me, and then didn't let me go - haha!), so I shall keep looking and seeing what is out there and well as put my list of trying other things out as well to relieve the pain.
You ain't seen the last of me..... you poor things!